As a typical teen in the 2010’s, I met Darcey through the internet. She knew a lot of my friends from the High Desert, but she was from… the Bay? How she knew them didn’t matter. She was obviously passionate about what she does. Long story short, we met once in SoCal and I eventually moved to SF where I began to see her at every show. Fast forward a few years and we’re still doing the same things so I gave her a call to see what’s new.
How was 2019 for you?
2019 was good. Every person has their ups and downs, but I had a lot of highs. Got to go on a lot of trips, make a bunch of bunch of new friends, got to be apart of a cool company which are now my best friends. I didn't take as many pictures as I did in 2018 which I'm kind of bummed about but not really because I got to be in the moment more.
“It’s a time consuming process but it’s meditation to me. ”
Where are you in terms of your art? How’s shooting? You do film, right?
Yeah. I shoot digitally occasionally, but shooting film is a different appreciation for the art of photography because when you shoot on your phone you take a hundred photos of one thing and just pick from those, but when you shoot on film you have to put a lot of thought into it. I think its cool because your eye and finger on the shutter button get to decide what moment you’re going to capture. When I get my film developed I scan my own negatives which is another process of appreciation. It’s a time-consuming process but it’s meditation to me.
That makes me want to do more 35mm as a goal for this year. On that note, any resolutions for the new year?
Shooting more is always a big thing. I started doing layouts of photos or adding things like stickers and drawings at the end of last year so I definitely want to do more of that.
I remember when I first started noticing you experiment with that. It was memorable to me because I’m familiar with your style and once I saw your photos in that format it really stood out. How did you evolve into doing layouts and adding onto your photos?
I would see certain ads in magazines with spreads and layouts showcasing some piece of clothing and when I would see that stuff on Instagram I would think “oh that’s kinda cool” and it was never a thought that I can’t do that, it was just like I don’t know where to begin or how to start, but it was always in the back of my mind. One day I was just like, “if it doesn’t work, then it doesn't work” but I felt like trying new things would be cool and especially working with Monday I would be reminded that it’s a brand and company which pushes me to make more.