The San Francisco artist discusses the importance of friendship in the pursuit of success.
I’d be lying if I said I remember the exact moment I met Mikey. He’s one of those guys who is apart of your general web of friends, but can’t pinpoint exactly how you’re acquainted. Nonetheless, he was always a memorable figure as the name “Poster” was always around like voices in my head. Naturally, I was always curious to know more about this mystery man.
Coincidentally, he and two mutual friends had planned a trip to New York a few months after I had moved there. As it was everyone’s first time visiting, I knew I had to show the gang around town for some quality California-native bonding time. Over the course of a week, we rode on a ferry, ate pizza, and got drunk on a Brooklyn rooftop for the New Year’s countdown. A mystery man no more…
Throughout our time hanging out on the East Coast, I found his apparent admiration for his friends the utmost inspiring. “I’m not moving to New York unless everyone else comes. We move as a unit.”, he said one night while daydreaming about living in Brooklyn. The other two nodded in agreement. I suddenly realized I wasn’t looking at a group of friends. This was a family.
I gave him a call a week after his visit to NY to dive into the world of Poster.
Why are friends important to pursuing your goals?
Well, I wouldn't be where I am without them. Because each friend contributed whether it be motivating me or telling me they like something that I wasn't too proud of. It motivates me to make more. They like it enough to actually support and represent it. They don't wear it because of me necessarily, but because they legitimately like it. Everyone’s always asking me what I'm doing with Poster and where I'm going with it. They are always interested and want to see what's new and it makes me feel more important than how I really am.
“They’re always down to help me with whatever crazy dumb ideas I have.”
When your friends say things like that does it give you that feeling internally or does it make you want to take action in that very moment?
Every time they talk to me about it it makes me want to do something now and I really appreciate them for that. They’re always down to help me with whatever crazy dumb ideas I have. They’re always there to help me get to that end goal.
Are there ever times where your friends give you constructive criticism that isn’t always positive?
Sometimes they'll be like, “eh” and I’ll be like, “Yeah you're right or yeah it needs more.”
How do your friends help you be a better person outside of art?
They always just want me to be happy. Especially when it came to dropping out of school. That's something that's usually viewed as negative to a lot of people, but with them they actually encouraged it because they know that's where I would be more happy; not in school. They just want me to be happy.
What kind of advice would you give someone who is about to finish high school and is passionate about what they do? College or no college?
It really depends on what the person wants to do and where they want to take it. It comes down to their relationship with school and what they want to do. For example, I was never into school. I've always hated it. Even at my best I was always subpar at it. It never fit me. But with all this Poster stuff I’m doing, I’m actually good at it and it’s brought me success. It feels more ideal than school because it felt like I was going nowhere with that. I feel like for my industry, I don't need a degree to go where I want to go, but certain fields, I think a degree would definitely boost someone. School works better for certain people and they learn a lot from it. It just depends on the person.
It doesn’t seem like you're in the beginning stages with Poster. What stage would you say you're currently in?
I think I'm past the beginning stages. I built the ball, now I just need to get the ball rolling. Last year I was making the ball and at the end of year I began rolling it. Now I just need to gain more momentum.
“You can’t just build a lousy ball and have it be all lopsided and stuff. You have to actually build it.”
Do you think it's harder to build the ball or to roll the ball?
I think building because a lot of people stop once they start building. They think it's easy to build a ball, but it takes a lot of persistence and it takes a lot of dedication. You can't just build a lousy ball and have it be all lopsided and stuff. You have to actually build it.
So what steps are you currently taking to get it to roll?
I'm just perfecting what I want to get out there. I did the first drop. The second drop is 90% done. I’m also filling other areas of criteria like filling certain areas of creativity like filming Ruben’s music video which is something that I haven't really done before. Just getting inspired and making connections.
When you take a step back and reflect on your creative team of friends, how would you describe the way you guys function?
I think everyone I surround myself with is beautiful and they have amazing minds and they’re extremely talented. We help each other with everything and give each other ideas. It's a constant thing. Everyday each of us is doing something. It's an amazing thing to be surrounded by and I think it's rare to come across.
Lastly, what's next with Poster?
Drop 2 is coming next month forsure with a lookbook video and photos and some other stuff. Some one of ones. Just remember the name Poster.
Including tees, hoodies, pants, and stickers, Poster’s Drop 2 is adorned in the artist’s unmistakable face motifs. Together, the faces are a family that arrive in the form of this latest collection. All the pieces are currently available online at, otherwise give the man’s wild lookbook video a view here or stalk his IG here.